
12 Rod stout

Cocoa nib stout

NAMED FOR THE ORIGINAL MONIKER for Brunswick’s Maine Street, this rich luscious stout will get you through the last whispers of winter. Made with Maine grown grains and aged on cocoa nibs, this is a toasty and slightly sweet stout.

It would have been the perfect drink to warm you up after navigating the 12 rod (196 feet wide) road from Maquoit Bay to the nearby Fort Andross in the late 1700s, and today does the same trick!

To learn more about the 12 rod road (or the Pejepscot Proprietors) just ask at the bar, or click here, or better yet pay a visit to the Pejepscot Historical Society down the street on Park row!






Blue Ox Pale & Wheat

Carared, Roasted Barley, Chocolate Malt

Organic Maine Oats

FEATURED adjunct

Organic Cocoa Nibs